

Research & Commentary: Education Savings Accounts for West Virginia children have never been more timely and necessary from the Heartland Institute

Near-Universal ESA Program Would Bring Mountain State To The Forefront Of The Education Choice Movement.


Legislation introduced in the West Virginia Senate would establish a nearly-universal education savings account (ESA) program in the Mountain State. If passed, ESAs would be available to families with a child currently enrolled in a public school and have an annual household income under $150,000. The accounts would pay for tuition and fees at private and parochial schools and could also be used to pay for tutoring services, transportation costs, educational software, online courses, dual-enrollment courses, and educational therapies and services.


Additionally, the ESAs could be used to cover the fees required to take national standardized achievement tests, such as the SAT and ACT. The funding amount of each account would be equivalent to 90 percent of the amount allotted per pupil under the school aid formula. Leftover funds could be rolled over for use in subsequent school years and would be available to help pay for tuition at postsecondary schools.